Tuesday, May 19, 2009

God is Love

The greatest of these is love.--St. Paul
What is love? Can we see it? Can we touch it? Sometimes we can feel its effects, but it is not something provable in a test tube. Love is a decision on our part. To want the good of another person simply because they exist is the highest form of love. Jesus showed this by dying. While we are on this earth we can choose to love or not to love. The more we understand how we are loved by our invisible, unprovable God, the more we respond with love. "We love because He first loved us", St. John writes. We live in this realm by faith, hope, and love. But we will only carry one of these with us into the next realm. We will no longer need faith or hope, for we shall see what we have had faith and hope for. Love will be revealed beyond our imagining. So, let's dedicate ourselves today to God, Who is love.

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