For He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.--The writer of Hebrews
Why is it so important to us that God never changes? Why do we care that He is constant in Who and What He is? There has always been the argument as to whether people can really change. Everyone knows somebody whose had a "change" in their lives. Think about that uncle who, "got religion". He was different for a while, but slowly he went back to cussing like a sailor. The difference is now he apologizes when he says a cuss word around the kids. What do we expect people to become after they find Jesus? Are they supposed to become like Mother Teresa overnight? No, it takes time to grow in the grace of the Lord. Look in the mirror and ask this, "How long have you been a believer? Shouldn't you be closer to the heart of Jesus by now?" We are all not that much less lost. We are all in need of mercy. So, let's be patient in our condemnation and judgement of others. And let's be patient in our expectation of others, even of that face in the mirror. Our strength comes from our God who does not change, He doesn't need to.
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