Wednesday, May 27, 2009

One eyed man is king..

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.--Tom Waits, from his song "Singapore"
What did Jesus mean when He spoke of the blind leading the blind? It seems He was speaking of the religious leaders and their followers. There are many religious leaders in our culture. We can turn on the TV right now and find a religious leader. It is not even surprising when someone we know decides to start their own "church". New denominations spring up across this country daily. Something is wrong about this. It only serves to separate more and more Christians.  Jesus was not blind, He had two good eyes. He told the apostles He was going to build His Church on Peter, the rock. He did not say He was going to build thousands of churches that can't even agree on the relevance of baptism. We must make sure that the religious leaders we follow can see. If the light within our leaders is darkness, how great is the darkness! There has to be an ancient tradition of unchanging truth that we follow. A Tradition that brought us our doctrines, the New Testament, and the Sacraments. Even a broken down one eyed man of the fullness of truth is better than a blind man following his own ideas.

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