Saturday, December 20, 2008

Eat you up.

You must let the people eat you up.----Mother Teresa
Humility is the strongest virtue. It is the one virtue that creates immediate response. People either love or hate humility. It either gets on our nerves or it lifts us up. It either inspires or repels. Jesus showed the ultimate humility. He emptied Himself of Heaven's joy to come here and be one of us. We can't even begin to imagine what He gave up. His mother Mary called herself the "handmaid of the Lord." She knew she would be ridiculed and would have to embrace the unknown. She and Joseph had to flee their homeland, travel hard roads and long distances. She had to give birth to the Savior of her people in a cave with smelly animals.  Jesus let people "eat Him up" then, and He still does.  Mary let people "eat her up." St. Paul let people "eat him up." Paul was ready for whatever came his way in the spreading of the gospel. The key to this is detachment from the things of this world. Today, we often find ourselves in the presence of those who disdain our outlook and faith. Let them. Let's love them, pray for them, and smile at them. And while we're at it, let's smile at our ever silent Savior Who knows and walks with us every mundane and challenging mile. This will do more for their souls, and ours, than we can comprehend.

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