There is a never-ending call upon each of us to love the unloved. Who are they? A friend at school who is always alone. A homeless man who needs a cup of coffee on a cold day. A friend who needs a phone call. An enemy who needs to be shown forgiveness. This ain't easy! This is grueling work, and some days it seems impossible. Do not think for a moment that Jesus doesn't know this. He dealt with every single human condition we can imagine, and then some. We just have to take a breath and move forward in what we know is right to do, and pray! It will feel awkward at times, uncomfortable, and irritating; kind of like learning to swing a golf club correctly, but, it will change us, and we will learn how to die to self. Mother Teresa can teach us a great deal about this. If you think you know her, you don't. Read her life story in the book "Come be my Light." She told someone once, " I want to love Jesus like He has never been loved." Every sick and dying person she cared for was Jesus. Lord, help us love You by loving those in and around our lives like Mother Teresa did. It would be something if we even tried this.
Vancouver BC
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