Monday, December 8, 2008


The body we present on the alter was born of the Virgin...St. Ambrose, 4th century

The Virgin Mary is celebrated today as we remember her Immaculate Conception. She was made by God the Father to be the New Ark of the New Covenant. She is the Mother of God. She was full of grace from the very moment she was conceived. This is so vital to understanding the doctrine of our faith that is the Incarnation of Jesus. In Genesis 3 God tells Satan He will put enmity between her seed and Satan's seed. "Her Seed", the woman is never the one with the seed, but Her Seed is the Seed of God that she has been foreshadowed to carry since before the world began. She would be the one to give God's Son His Flesh and Blood. This is the Body and Blood we present at the alter. Mary had to be pure and free from sin, otherwise, she could not be the New Eve that says YES. The first Eve said no, the second said Yes, and the new Adam is our Savior. God did not have to do it this way, but He did. He is mysterious and He is in love with us.


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