Thursday, December 25, 2008


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God...and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.---St. John, from the first chapter of his gospel.
This is why we have faith. This is why we have hope. This is why we have love. Christmas is about the Word becoming flesh and dwelling among us. In the Eucharist, He is still among us in His Flesh at every Mass and in every Tabernacle around the world! Glory to His Name! One of the early Church fathers said that when God spoke the Word, Jesus, He said everything He has to say. There is nothing to add to this Word. The little baby lying in a feeding trough for sheep, born in Bethlehem, which means, "House of Bread", worshipped by Angels, shepherds, and kings; adored by His Virgin Mother, this is God's Word. He came as a helpless baby. For nine months He grew in Mary's sinless womb; thus, He is the King of the unborn, for He Himself was once an Unborn. He lies in this manger, born to be our Food. He said, "Take and eat, this is My Body..Take and drink, this is My Blood.." This Word is the Bread of Angels. He became human so that we might become Divine. This is Christmas! This is the personal relationship He has in mind for each of His sheep, a deeply intimate and mysterious relationship, unlike anything we can imagine. Merry Christmas!

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