Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Reality of the Spiritual Life

Jesus Christ is not a myth, He is the Mystery of God.---Fr. Benedict Groeschel

Mystery is a reality we can perceive but not penetrate with the human mind---Albert Einstein

We walk a narrow road. The reality of the spiritual life is not some whimsical happiness, or even a confidence that we have it all figured out. We know only a few things for sure; Jesus was God incarnate. He was fully God and fully man. We know He came to save us by defeating death. He did this by dying. He brought light where there was no light. We now have hope, and though death is still an unknown occurrence to anyone reading this, we have hope that death is simply a door. His Blood washes us clean from sin. He rose from the grave and ascended into Heaven, and now sits at God's right hand. We know that He is coming again. He gave us His Church, through the descent of the Holy Spirit Who helps us. He does this through the Sacraments and prayer. We have Christ With us in the Holy Eucharist. We know that the bread becomes His Body and the wine His Blood. He told us this. We know His Mother, who is now our Mother as well. We know that the Saints are cheering us on. We know that we must work out our salvation with fear and trembling. We know these things. By faith we live in these truths. By grace we walk in them. Let us be detached today from the things that make us forget or ignore this mysterious and beautiful Way. Let us open our hearts in humility and cry out to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Lord, do with us what You will!


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