Let nothing frighten you,
All things are passing away:
God never changes.
Patience obtains all things.
Whoever has God lacks nothing;
God alone suffices.
---St. Teresa of Avila
Beloved Jesus, how can we love You better? When will our every waking breath be for You and Your purposes? When O Lord can we see Your Beautiful face? While we are down here on our soujourn keep us close to Your Sacred Heart. There are wolves Lord. Within every disturbance and horror that sometimes walks beside us on these paths, we need You; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. You don't just walk with us, You are within us. Jesus, You said You would make Your home within our very hearts. The Kingdom is within. The unseen in our lives is more real than the seen, than the horrors, the frustrations, and the annoyances. God, You are more real than anything we can see, for You are unseen. Help us see this.
Vancouver BC
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