Monday, June 22, 2009

A Curious Eye

"There is little to tell of happiness — happiness is only itself, placid, emotionally dormant, a state adopted with a light heart but nagging brain."--Jim Harrison, from his novella, "Legends of the Fall"

My dad used to say that you should never trust happiness. He said to enjoy it while you can, but always with a curious eye. "You'll be ok if you keep in mind that it ebbs about as well as it flows. Don't put too much stock in it." Thinking about this made me wonder if happiness is really what we want anyway. As Harrison's character says in "Legends of the Fall", "a state adopted with a light heart but a nagging brain." I think this is what my dad meant with his "a curious eye" comment. I wonder if we should apply the same idea to sadness. It too is unreliable, even though sadness can teach us well, whereas happiness is a flighty part-time substitute teacher. But we need to move on from sadness when it's time. Happiness leaves on its own, sadness hangs around on its own. It is not wise to linger in sadness too long, as it can cause internal bleeding. (This reminds me of detachment. The great state of the saints!) I don't think God promises happiness anywhere in the bible. He speaks of unspeakable joy, peace, knowing, fulfillment, milk and honey, struggle, trouble, salvation, holiness, eternal life, etc..,. My dad hung sheetrock from the time he was 14 till he died a few years ago at age 69. I didn't know him very well, but he seemed most curious when he was talking about fishing.

for my old pal Jody Davis.

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