Wednesday, June 10, 2009


The Joy of the Lord is my strength.--King David
The most prevalent and amazing thing one notices when reading about the life of Mother Teresa is her joy. It was a real joy because it was birthed out of great darkness. It was a joy the earth could not take away from her. Hell couldn't even take it away from her. She chose to have this joy in the face of her trials. When the book, "Come be My Light" came out, the media reported that Mother Teresa had doubts and great struggles with her faith. Obviously the media knows little about true Christianity. Our faith is not about certainty, it is about hope. It is the "assurance of things HOPED for..". Of course Mother Teresa had doubts, so do I, and if you are honest, so do you. Her doubts made her press in even closer to Jesus, and drove her commitement to serve Him in the poor. Her pain and darkness only made her smile more at her mysterious hidden Lord. Our lives with God are in His invisible hands, and we must learn from these Saints, like Mother Tersesa, to be honest with God and ourselves. And with God's grace, we will hopefully learn to smile at our hidden Lord too, filled with a joy even we don't quite understand.

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