Saturday, June 20, 2009

Grace to respond to Grace

Each man's destiny is personal only insofar as it may happen to resemble what is already in his memory.--Eduardo Mallea
What is the soul of a man? It is his memory, his will, his spirit, his ability to reason. We are made in the image of God, and our dignity lies in God. Each of us are made "soul" at conception. There is never a moment after conception that we will cease to exist. Among other things, made in His image means everlasting. When our body dies, the soul is separated from the body for a time. At some point,  we will be reunited with our body.( Jesus' resurrected body is our hope.) Our destiny is meant to culminate in union with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; but, our will can alter this, otherwise, we would be less than made in His image, not human. We have the ability to choose, which also means we can know the breadth and width of love. Let us give God thanks for life, and pray that He will give us grace to respond to the grace that falls on the just and the unjust. And that our response will be to love Him with all of our heart, soul, and strength.

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