"Forgive us our trespasses..", ...This command to pray daily for our sins reminds us that we commit sin every day. No one should complacently think himself innocent, lest his pride lead to further sin. Such is the warning that John gives us in his letter: "If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not is us. If we confess our sins, the Lord is faithful and just and will forgive our sins."--St. Cyprian, bishop and martyr
Why is the understanding of our own personal sinfulness so important? Why does the bible make it so clear that we are sinners, needing a Savior? Why do we so much ignore this in our culture? It's like a man with cancer who won't accept the doctor's prognosis. But it's such a downer to our seemingly evolved understanding of self and humanity these days. When the bible was written they didn't have Freud, Dr. Phil, and Oprah. People see the Church of Jesus as a buzz-kill to our fashionable and progressive culture of "live and let live", of, "your ok, I'm ok". This is so shallow, boring, and deadly! Man tries so hard to ignore his soul. But, our soul's are who we are. Ignoring our soul is like ignoring the mysterious elephant in the room. And we must not separate body and soul. We are soul and body. Sin kills our bodies, and without a Savior, it kills our souls eternally. God loves us. God is the Great Doctor with the only cure; the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of His dear Son. This is why we must never forget that none of us are that much less lost. The bible says even the righteous man sins 7 times a day. When we eat our Lord's Body and drink His Blood, we are eating the Bread of Angels, this is the medicine for our sickness, this is Food for the journey. This is the good news.
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