Thursday, June 4, 2009


I AM...--God, speaking to Moses
Moses had just been told by a voice from a Burning Bush to go back into the dragon's jaws and rescue the Jews. He asked who he could say was sending Him. "I AM" came the reply. His name is "I AM", God must be an existentialist. This answer He gave Moses is very philosophical. It's as if He is saying He is never 'I WAS, or I WILL BE', He is the eternal now. Time means nothing. He always IS, which we can logically assume means He always was and always will be. And this is the exact answer Moses needed to hear. The God calling him to this impossible task is ever with Him in this impossible task. He is ever in the moment. Jesus comes along and uses this same language and it gets Him crucified. He said, "I AM the Bread of Life...Before Abraham, I AM.., I AM the Way the Truth and the Life..,I AM the door,, etc.. If Jesus was just a man, then He was nuts to use these words around the Jewish leaders! No wonder they wanted to kill Him, He was calling Himself God every other day! But we know, as our doctrine teaches us, He is fully man and fully God. Knowing this teaching makes His, "I AM" very encouraging to us. He is ever with us as our "Good Shepherd", our "Bread of Life", our "Door", our "First and Last", our "Light", our very present help..... This is very encouraging.

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