Monday, June 1, 2009

A Violent Wind

Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.--Acts 2:2
God knows when to affect our senses for His purposes. It is rare when He does this kind of thing, but when He does it is not soon forgotten. It seems though that most of the time He speaks to us in very quiet and common place ways. A thought comes from nowhere. We read something that enforces an idea we were praying about. This can happen reading scripture, a novel, hearing a song, a sermon, during a conversation, etc... We must always be open for Him to speak to us. The day the apostles and Mary were there in the upper room, and the Holy Spirit came in this sensational manner, they were open to God speaking to them. Their obedience to pray and wait brought about this violent wind that changed everything! That wind still blows in every baptism, confession, in the the Eucharist, in all the sacraments. This Holy Wind blows through every priestly prayer prayed during the consecration of the host at every Mass, in every place, all over this planet. Even as you read this now, the Holy Spirit is doing this somewhere in the world. He still shakes the rooms of our lives. What happened that day brought thousands to the Way. If we will give ourselves to prayer and waiting for God, like those in the upper room were doing, we will see people come to Jesus too. He will give us the words to say, but even more, the lives to live.

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