Tuesday, June 2, 2009

He is Creator, I am creature

What advantage can I expect from this ruin of my life which leaves me desperate and hopeless?...But wait awhile and you will see that by it God is preparing you to receive the greatest marks of his favor...There is nothing harder for a Christian than to break the last tie that binds him to the world or to his own self. He knows he ought to do it, and until he does it there is something wrong with his life ...The misfortune which has befallen you will soon do what all your exercises of piety would never have been able to do.---St. Claude de La Colombiere
 The mystery of being a follower of Jesus is immense. We are never in control. If we think we can control and manipulate God in any way we are mistaken. But for some reason, we keep on trying to make Him do things for us whether they are what He wants to do or not. We are creatures. He is Creator. Sometimes I treat Him as if He is creature, and I blindly hold on to something that simply ruins my life. Whether it is a dream, a person, a "good idea", etc.. whatever it is, if it even slightly comes between me and Jesus, our Jealous God will let it ruin us until we break from it. I am learning to blame God for my dreams that don't come true, and He happily accepts the blame. He would rather my soul be free in His perfect love than my soul be enslaved to some temporal dream that if came true would only take me further from union with Him.


1 comment:

Allan said...

This would be one of the most difficult truths to accept.It seems so cruel,but because it is the truth it has the priviledge to be believed.