Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Our Icon of Love

If you and I could for one moment get our mind around how much we are loved by The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we would fall madly in love! And from that moment on, our lives would be about nothing else but returning that love. It would transform our prayer life, our work, our art, our relationships, our care for the poor, our rising in the morning, even our sleeping. Let us fix our gaze upon the crucifix! St. Francis would gaze at it for hours and God used him to reform the Church and gain thousands of souls for Jesus. The crucifix is our Icon Of Love. It is the vivid reminder of this love that we must, by grace, get our minds around. God, through the Virgin Mary, took on flesh, suffered, died, rose, ascended, and now reigns at the Father's right hand! All for us! Let us gaze upon the crucifix today and everyday, never for a moment forgetting what our Beloved did to gain our love.

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