Monday, August 31, 2009

a balm to the wounded soul

conceptual philosophy can breed a faith without works,
which is dead
works without faith are filthy rags
words spoken without love are daggers
words spoken in love are a balm to the wounded soul
this morning was cool in mississippi
i walked out with a cup of coffee and stood in our 'english garden',
in the weeds
my dog Jack shivered and seemed surprised by the cool change in the weather
there is grace in these moments
our Lord is waiting for our undivided hearts
for a contrite spirit to overcome our fearful and anxious spirit,
we must find God's giving Heart in everything
He is crazy about us!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Near to Jesus

the happiest we will ever be is when we are near to Jesus
the saddest we will ever be is when we are near to Jesus
the most courageous when we are closest to Jesus
the most afraid when we are closest to Jesus
the strongest we will ever be is when we are close to Jesus
the weakest we will ever be is when we are close to Jesus
the most clarity we will ever have is when we are close to Jesus
the most confused we will ever feel is when we are close to Jesus
the greatest love we will ever know is when we are close to Jesus
the greatest hate we will ever encounter from the world is when we are close to Jesus
St. Teresa of Avila said that God's closest friends experience the greatest trouble
St. Pio said to stay in the boat He has placed us in when trouble comes, "don't worry" he says
St. Paul said he gloried in the cross of Christ and counted the sufferings of this world as nothing compared to knowing Jesus.
in Him we live, move, and have our being,
in Jesus, our Beloved

Friday, August 28, 2009


I have received numerous emails asking when or if my epsiode of The Journey Home will air again.. ONE MORE TIME tomorrow night, Saturday the 29th, at 10:00 central.  I just want to thank everyone for the amazing responses, hundreds of emails, CD sells, etc... I am simply blown away and incredibly humbled and grateful. It's in times like this I recall the story of Balaam's Ass. If you are not sure what I mean, Numbers 22:22,, God can even use an Jackass to speak for Him sometimes. What a mysterious and loving Savior we have. Glory to His Name!
Direc TV--370
Dish Network--261

In Jesus,

To have Keith come to your area, contact him for details at

Just Before Dawn

nothing moves toward beauty in our lives without grace.
just before dawn,
 i hear a dog barking on our street
i am praying that i remembered to set the automatic timer on the coffee maker
now i vaguely smell the aroma of mocha
"thank You"
over the past four days a man who hates what he does not know has been emailing me
it's strange when someone insists on telling you what you believe
after much "conversation", we said our farewell
nothing in our lives moves toward beauty without grace
the dog is still barking as i pour the coffee
he is having a conversation with another dog a block or two away
i wonder if they are getting anywhere....


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Look To Jesus

we all walk a winding path
sometimes it destroys our ideas
sometimes it changes our perception
but one thing it never does,,
it never lets up.
we are ever in the throes of God
we are ever in the tumult of His love
He will never allow us to fall away easily
His love is relentless
His love is mysterious
His love is painful
Just look at the cross of Jesus and you will agree

Look at Jesus

we all walk a winding path
sometimes it destroys our ideas
sometimes it changes our perception
but one thing it never does,,
it never lets up.
we are ever in the throes of God
we are ever in the tumult of His love
He will never allow us to fall away easily
His love is relentless
His love is mysterious
His love is painful
Just look at the cross of Jesus and you will agree

Monday, August 24, 2009

Moses/ Tonight at 7

Here is the link for watching the show I will be on TONIGHT, Monday, August 24, 7:00 central.. The Journey Home

7:00 central, 8:00 eastern, 5:00 pacific

The channels for television:

Direc TV-------370

Dish Network-----261
you ever wonder what Moses must have felt when God told him he could not enter into the Promised Land?
he was allowed to see it from a mountain top
but couldn't go in
 Moses died soon thereafter.
the bible makes it clear that he was in great shape for a man of his age,
which seems to make this even more disconcerting.
Moses struck the rock. he acted without faith.
"faith without works is dead"
 works without faith is foolish.
i am not wondering about this as a theological matter,
i am curious about the man, a man just like you and me,
except of course he had face to face conversations with Jehova,
and he did all kind of tricks with a staff,
i wonder what was going on in the mind of the man.
it was a very heavy sentence, not a trial to go through and then move on kind of thing.
was Moses sad? was he angry? was he frustrated? was he confused? was he resigned? was he at peace with this?
if Moses could have done something to cause his not entering into the very place he was called to lead a nation, 
what does this mean for us?
Jesus didn't come to abolish the law, of which Moses was the lawgiver,
Jesus came to fulfill it.
 Jesus bringsGrace that helps us walk with God and do His will,
which involves keeping His commandments, (according to Jesus)
and St. Paul makes it clear that if we ignore this grace from heaven,
we will not enter in to THE Promised Land.
heavy stuff for a monday morning.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


the ongoing, baffling, and sometimes confusing mystery of our spiritual devotion is embraced most lovingly in the Eucharist. ---wkm

Friday, August 21, 2009


Here is the link for watching the show on line this Monday, August 24.. The Journey Home

it will be in real time..  7:00 central, 8:00 eastern, 5:00 pacific
Please pray that many folks will tune in. I am so grateful to have been able to do it.
The channels for television:
Direc TV-------370
Dish Network-----261
please let me know if you get to watch,

Here is the link for watching the show I will be on AUGUST 24/ this Monday.

Here is the link for watching the show on line this Monday, August 24.. The Journey Home
it will be in real time..  7:00 central, 8:00 eastern, 5:00 pacific
Please pray that many folks will tune in. I am so grateful to have been able to do it.
The channels for television:
Direc TV-------370
Dish Network-----261
please let me know if you get to watch,
PS Here is a quote sent to me today from Father Ron Hatton.
Try to attain to the full measure of this Name, and you will find it on your mouth and on the mouths of your children.  When you make high festival and when you rejoice, cry "Jesus."  When anxious and in pain, cry "Jesus." When little boys and little girls are laughing, let them cry, "Jesus."  And those who flee before barbarians, cry, "Jesus."  And those who go down to the river, cry "Jesus."  And those who see wild beasts and sights of terror, cry "Jesus."  Those who are taken off to prison, cry "Jesus."  And those whose trial has been corrupted and who receive injustice, cry the Name of Jesus.
Shenoute of Atripe, Contra Origenistas 821
5th century

Thursday, August 20, 2009

day and night poem

once i had no hope in my life
days flew by, nothing made me high
now i feel something is right
loving you, day and night
the phone rings
you're on the line
tellin me that everything will be fine
i still pray for a little more light
every day and every night
run to the mountains run
look for where your help will come
your help comes from the One who made it all
His love is sure on this you can recall
i used to be so sad
days went by like nothing ever has
now i feel something has gone right
loving you day and night
loving you day and night
don't fight it
don't even try it
don't run away cause you won't get too far
you're always where you are
i check the files to see where i've been
i erase them i want to start again
i believe that you love everyone
i want to be there for you day an night
don't run away.
August 20, 2009
oxford ms

Monday, August 17, 2009

Sister Moon

you have to wait for it
"inspiration is brief, sporadic, and rare"--Rabbi Abraham Heschel
there was a bit waiting for me this morning before dawn
i took our new kitten out, (that my wife brought home from her walk yesterday,
it seems she keeps finding animals that need a home)
a white feline with brown and black here and there
as i was waiting for little sadie to accomplish the task at hand,
i noticed a sliver of silver light on my hand that was resting on the wooden rail of the porch
i looked up and through the branches of the maple i saw the moon
St. Francis named the moon, "sister moon"
i saw why as clearly as i have ever seen it
she is reflecting the sun,
and even in the darkness just before the sun rises,
she is shedding the sun's light upon the world,
upon my hand.
the early father's of the Church saw Mary as the moon,
reflecting the light of Jesus, the Son of God,
this is where we all get the light in our souls,
He even said we are to be a "light set on a hill",
It is His light within us we are to reflect,
like sister moon, like our lady.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

New Videos

We just put some new videos from the "Dana and Friends" show on You Tube. Most of these tunes are from the SOUL cd. 
Thanks for all the encouraging and supportive emails, God bless.

Built for God
i remember walking into Notre Dame with my wife
it was amazing!
the rose window at the entrance is breathtaking
everything in it points to Jesus the Lord
Paris in the spring
artist painting and selling their work everywhere
there is no place like Paris
when we walked in, there was a children's choir singing
hundreds of people were kneeling and praying
even though it is a tourist haven,
the atmosphere is still one of prayer
we lit candles and said prayers for family and friends
i want to return one day and light more candles
i want to sit and take it all in again
it is Mary's Church
therefore, it points brilliantly to Jesus

Saturday, August 15, 2009


the old man looked at me with one eye closed
"you can't and won't ever figure out the Lord's way of thinkin"
i agreed with him 
 he took a swig of the bottled water I had given him
we sat for a few minutes by the side of the road watching cars speed by
his name is George
he picks up cans along hwy 6 once a week
he uses the money for food and beer
we have been in Oxford for 9 years,
 George was here long before that
i don't stop often enough to say hello 
 he is always talking when he walks the roadside
i asked him once who he was talking to
"the Almighty!"
i felt pretty dumb for asking
people think he is crazy
i think we are all a bit crazy
he tells me i would be surprised how much money he makes in an afternoon
"and dang if i don't make this old road look better!"
as I ride away on my bike he goes back to picking up cans,
and talking to the Almighty.

Friday, August 14, 2009


A deep peace floods the soul, transitory things are nothing. We are walking towards God, contemplating His immense happiness and rejoicing forever in the thought of the infinite, perfect, unchangeable happiness of this God we love; we are happy with the happiness of the Beloved, and the thought of His unchangeable peace calms the soul...The sight of my own nothingness does not weigh me down; it helps me forget myself and think only of Him who is all in all.

- Blessed Charles de Foucauld
this quote fills the heart with a lightness
a sweet detachment
a sense of joy floods the mind
our Beloved is everything to us
He is our breath, our sustenance, our very existence is because of love
how incredible is the love of our Father in Heaven!
how mysterious the lengths He goes to show us...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Tears of Joy

i keep hearing from people from around the country
i love the stories of struggle, hope, and redemption
there is so much beauty in this world of wonders
so much love and mercy in this world of mystery
we are not alone in our struggles
we are not alone in our pain
we are not alone in our confusion
and in our prayers for clarity
one man shared tears of joy for God leading him back home to the Church,
back to the Eucharist, where Jesus gives Himself completely and intimately,
he spoke of going through many trials
and many doubts, anger, fear, bitterness,
and now he has tears of joy
i had tears of joy reading his story.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Radical Mystery

we walked into the chapel at ewtn yesterday morning for 7:00 Mass
the silence was beautiful, soothing, peaceful, and it had a purpose
the purpose was for prayer, meditation, and preparation for the coming of Jesus
every single Mass, in every place around the world, every day,
Jesus comes
His coming is the purpose of every Catholic Mass
it's not about the priest, the sermon, the singing,
it's not about the announcements and the fellowship
it is about His promise that He would "be with you till the end of the world."
"Do this in remembrance of me."
"we proclaim Your death Lord Jesus until You come in glory." St. Paul reminds the Corinthians,
In John 6, Jesus explains very clearly that in order to have life, we must eat His flesh and drink His blood
this is the radical mystery of the Mass!
The silence is time for reflection before the priest prays Jesus' words,
then, we partake of the Bread of Heaven.
Glory to God!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


View Image
it is a mystery how words come to us
how we always look for meaning
meaning in what we say
in what others say
our stories are who we are
in the south, people don't just give you directions,
they tell you a story about how to get where you are going
there is color in the words chosen
there is a purpose in the ramblings
in the rabbit trails
i told my story last night
it is a never ending book of God's grace and mercy
His love is on every page
His mercy in every paragraph
His grace in ever sentence
along with struggles, self doubts, frustrations, failure
in fact, this is the bulk of any story of every man or woman
this is why the cross is at the heart of all of our stories of living
this is the great meaning for all the world.
Birmingham AL, EWTN

Monday, August 10, 2009

Pray for Rain

the rain is coming
coming to refresh us
this heat and humidity keeps us, cooks us, makes us lean
then rain comes in the thunder and lightning
great winds bring the tumult
our dry land becomes a flood
streets become rivers
the grass turns greener
the birds find food easier
a glorious cardinal on our porch holds a large nightcrawler in his mouth
this mirrors life in the spirit,
this metaphor, this type,
it is easy to understand,
we must pray for rain.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

He Knows Them

into the hands of the Maker we place our trembling hands
into His scarred hands,
 they are strong, gentle, confident, humble, eternal, mysterious
we, like Peter sinking into the sea,
 must never forget these scarred hands that always reach for us,
especially as we are ourselves scarred by the nails of sin and time,
we cannot say with any honesty that we are alone in our battles,
or that He does not understand our emotions
the emotions of betrayal, He knows them
the emotions of loneliness, He knows them
the emotions of fear, He knows them
the emotions of dread, He knows them
the emotions of being misunderstood, He knows them
let the grimace on our souls become a grin today
and with confidence let's place our weak hands into our Savior's scarred and loving hands,

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Lonely Place

there are moments during the day when we should find a lonely place
not for too long, but long enough to speak to God in silence
our country seems to be moving toward revolution
people are angry
and for many things we should be angry
the dumpsters behind abortion clinics should make us angrier than anything else!
the abuse of immigrants for profit should make us angry
but without our anger being based in love, we are a noisy gong
when we do anything out of a self righteous rage we are a clanging cymbal
if we attack someone out of hatred or fear, we accomplish the devil's work
we must stand for truth and beauty in this time of lies and ugliness
let's stop watching tv for a while,
let's turn off the radio,
put the computer in sleep mode,
put down the newspaper,
just for a little while,
let's find a lonely place like Jesus did,
so we too can talk to the Father and see what He wants us to do
it will probably be very much along the lines of what He told and showed Jesus to do...

Friday, August 7, 2009


as a young boy growing up in mississippi i was curious about everything
my dogs always amazed me with how they interacted with one another
i had a black-n-tan hound named sam,
two border collies named jake and delia,
a german shepherd named lady,
and a full grown collie named Lad
they went with me everywhere on our 60 acres of hills, trees, streams, and a lake
the horses would follow us when we walked through the pasture
even a few cows would tag along
we must have looked funny to the passers by on the old black top road that ran along our fence line
a young boy leading his animal parade
sometimes my mother would have to come find me just after dark
i wouldn't hear her call when i was lying on my back with my head on lad for a pillow
these dogs protected me as i daydreamed and explored the piney woods and rolling hills
sometimes i would lie in the woods and look up at the tops of trees
or in a field where the dogs and i would watch the sky turn from blue to black,
waiting for the first star to appear
I am still curious about things, 
but not as much as i should be.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Light in August

william faulkner wrote about the light in august
the light that begins to soften as autumn draws near
it is still the dead of summer
the heat still ravages everything in my mississippi
but this subtle change in light brings the reminder of the constant cycle of life and death
we move within this cycle, this labyrinth of change
yesterday a friend of ours daughter gave birth to a little girl named Grace
a new born, the eternal youth of summers
yesterday a 90 year old man in our neighborhood passed on
a reminder of the winter that will eventually overtake us all
we are not afraid of death because of the empty tomb
we are not afraid of life because of the cross
in faulkner's story, a town is caught in the throes of change, fear, violence, and redemption,
in the ebb and flow of life we have this hope,
God is for us through it all
Drawing by Spencer Lewis

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


she is so misunderstood in our world of self promotion
she is humility
never blowing her own horn
never pointing to herself
always to her Son
our Beloved
she means no harm to anyone
she prays for us
for our hearts to be free
for our souls to be safe
why would anyone be angry at, threatened by, or afraid of Mary
her Fiat, her "Let it be done unto me.."
is our best example of following the Beloved.
"Holy Mary, Theotokos, pray for us."

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I am gearing up for a fall tour to share the BELOVED and SOUL albums live. ( Maybe a few from the fridge and Mississippi Noise too) I will be traveling alone, and if you would like for me to come to your Church, Parish, Coffee House, Youth Group, Bar, private Party, etc..
PLEASE contact me by email..
I am already talking to some folks up in Minnesota and we hope to get that one set up soon. I am playing at Taylor Grocery August 29.
I hope to see you!
W. Keith Moore

Maggie Mae

groping in the light of day
it is so hot
humidity, heat, sun, burning light
too much
we all dream of cool days
warm nights
a light wind from the east
but this is a song
a poem
a prayer
prayer is the only sure thing in this desert
everything else is a mirage of ideas, dreams, confusion, hopes
i walked into the house for a glass of water
one of our cats, Maggie Mae,  jumped onto the couch
she kissed the crucifix Renee had just laid down, she really did,
this awoke my slumbering brain.

Monday, August 3, 2009

old Bob

"down here lies nothing, nothing we can call our own."--Bob Dylan
when i rode today on the trail i found close to our new home,
i felt the mysterious absence Jesus sometimes gives us
there was a strange comfort in this, this knowing that i knew He had withdrawn
 this must sound odd
but knowing He has taken the feeling of His nearness away,
somehow stirred my faith that He knows i need this in this moment
i don't panic as much as i used to when this happens
i still don't like it, but what can we do except hold on, cry out, and trust?
the sky was beautiful, the humidity high, the downhill wind a gift,
the kudzu covers the entire forest in some places on the path,
you can't even see the trees, but i know they are there....selah
life is a mess, a beautiful mess
old Bob has it right in his new song,
"down here lies nothing, nothing we can call our own"
and somehow, this is incredibly liberating!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

the Other

without inspiration from the Other
we are destined for deep boredom
we should plead with God for His fire to burn within our hearts
the mystery of His kiss births wonder
this brings light to our shadowy meed for self awareness
being into one's self is so tired
too much self introspection leads to destruction
is like a building imploding
without God's Self, our self is less than invigorating
when we are struggling with Him and Who He is,
 we are closer to living well
when we are groveling over our own 'feelings'
we are swimming in the swamp of me
Jesus said He came so that we may have life
Lord, keep me safe from the slavery of self indulgence.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Taylor Grocery

tonight i played a show at Taylor Grocery
after the show i sat on the front porch of the ancient place with the owner Lynn
the building used to be a gas station/grocery store back in the 40's and 50's
two black labs sat with us waiting for their owner to come out
Lynn played a dobro and sang an old Roy Acuff tune, "wreck on the highway"
the chorus talks about how nobody prayed at the crash scene
a song to cry to, especially with Lynn's high lonesome voice
there is a slow pace to this place i live
the people take their time
i sang over 30 different songs tonight
with a few new ones i wrote this past week
it's good to try new tunes at Taylor
they let you know if it is worth holding on to
it was a good night