Wednesday, November 30, 2011

humble confidence

Humble confidence is the thought..
Get it on your mind..
Haughty confidence keeps you blind
Give it no more time...he said.

Hey hey my my

Humble love will never die
(sorry Neil, I changed the words)

I bet there are Saints among us..

Homeless women selling homeless newspapers in the rain and cold,
for a dollar..

One thing every Saint has in common..

Detachment from things.
another thing...
Humble confidence in Love and Mercy

the thief on the cross.



Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Up since 2:00....

Cold here but no snow

It is snowing in Oxford.

Wish i was home...
soon the light will come
this day will come and go..
still wondering


Saturday, November 26, 2011


Y'all know what?...
Pain's what brings ya home.
Oxford Ms

Friday, November 25, 2011


cars driven by people sound fenetic on the dark dewy farm road
a dog barks his voice carries well on the leafless hillside over there
we almost hit a large Buck "Spike" last night on hwy 7 so beautiful leaping across the highway
the birthday cake in the back seat fell onto the floorbaord but was fine somehow in its container
just before dawn i walked out by the tree line near the house to the dry creek bed
at some point long ago water filled this and i wonder why it is never with water now
cats are mysterious as one of ours lies on her side waiting for me to rub her spine with my boot
she answers me with each stroke as i say her name "Maggie"..."Meow" never fails
the shotgun in the closet hasn't been fired in years and needs to be cleaned a "Sweet Sixteen"
passed on to my son by my father who kept his guns very clean and taught me to respect a gun
oxford ms

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A dream?

She hovers above him..

her bare feet dangle a few feet above the foot of the bed.
More beautiful than anything he has ever seen.
Silent and Other..
So what does a man say to an angel?.
to a Being of light?
"How goes it?", "What's up?"..
That's a strange dream Jim.
Jimmy sat down and placed his head in his hands..
I am not sure if it is a dream bro,
it seems real.
Does she say anything?
Nothing..she just hovers for a few seconds,
her wings barely moving..
she has a slight smile with very relaxed dark eyes.
Weird bro.
Tommy called for his Basset Hound Faulkner and walked to the front door,
How many nights in a row now?
Jimmy sat back and looked at his watch as if that had anything to do with anything..
Tommy and Faulkner walked out into the humid winter morning.
Cool enough for a jacket, but not really,
you'll be sweating in this humidity in a minute,
even with it around 57 degrees..
It's hard to get comfortable some days in a
Mississippi winter.
He picked up Faulkner and put him on the passenger seat..

Where's Rilke?

Monday, November 21, 2011

Where is Rilke?

I am going to put the dogs in the car,

drive just across County Road 202,
enter the field of Bermuda interspersed with brown winter weeds,
park near the tree line.
I will go to the house trailer on the property and ask permission,
hoping they will allow my dogs and me to walk on their property.
I am tired of parks with leash laws, controlled environments, perfectly dressed upper middle class humans,
angry looks from hyper sensitive shallow soul ignoring boobs because i refuse to leash...
i refuse to leash...
If the people in the trailer allow us,
I will get them out of the car and walk through a narrow opening in a wall of Kudzu.
I do not know what is on the other side of this slight opening,
But it seems to be filled with light..
In my imagination I have already seen it,
it will be as the door in Lewis' wardrobe..

opening to a field of tall brown weeds and low moving clouds..
Jack will see and chase many squirrels!
Pig will run with abandon, stretching, reaching, bounding with exuberance!
I will find silence one only finds while lost in an unknown field with his dogs.


Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Hokey Pokey

This morning as I was walking the streets of this beautifully hollow town,
I saw a bumper sticker and it made me wonder..
What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?


Sunday, November 13, 2011


Jack and I walked the winding hilly gravel road,
We had driven a mile into the Refuge near our house,
parked the SUV in a clearing and headed out..
The once beautiful forest of hills and ravines,
now scarred by bulldozers and chainsaws
So many stumps and fallen poplar left lying to rot. 
Why is man so careless with beauty?
I felt like we were being watched,
but saw no one.
Maybe it was God...
We walked for a while..
Neither of us wearing orange,
it being Deer season,
and with the local lack of respect for the word "refuge";
the sound of shotgun fire off in the distance spooked me a bit.
Jack kept darting into the woods hoping to see a squirrel
his white coat standing out among the brown sumac and dense autumn thicket.
The wood was silent, too silent
nothing moved among the torn timber
I could have wept but for the joy of Jack..
We drove out of the wounded forest with the windows down.,
Tom Waits roaring, "I will be Satisfied!"

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Suite to Mercy

Suite to Mercy
I am a sinner
He is mercy.
I know nothing
He is mercy.
My confidence often deceives me
He is mercy
My personal interpretation of scripture scares me
He is mercy
My personal faith without actions is dead, not sick, not wrong, dead
He is mercy
I often disappoint Him
He is mercy
In all sincerity, I don't always trust Him
He is mercy
The paths I take in life often lead to cliffs
He is mercy
I hope for a perfect act of love before I die
He is mercy
He is mercy
He is mercy
Oxford MS
For Sinners and St. Therese the Little Flower 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


As I began my 48th year on this green brown and blue planet hurtling through space this morning at 4:00,
I went for a walk.
It was misting rain and the wind was blowing yellow, gold, orange and rust colored leaves around me..
As if the wind was working with the leaves to create a sense of awe for anyone who noticed.
I am thankful for another day.
For my wonderful wife and son.
Our dogs and cats..
good friends...
speaking of dogs,
As I turned onto a side street I was greeted happily by a three legged dog.
His master called for her but she did not stop hop/running to me, wagging her tale and smiling.
I bent down and rubbed her ears..
She was possibly one of the happiest dogs I have ever met.
She started playing with me and barking merrily.
Her master walked up and shook my hand, apologizing for her exuberance.
I quickly made it clear that I am a dog lover at which he said he could clearly see.
I asked him if she ever seemed bothered by losing her front left leg.
He said, "Heck no."


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Smash Up The Honkytonks

Please take a moment to go here and "LIKE" us... you have no idea how much it helps us guys doing it all alone in the big picture... won't take but a second..thanks to those who already have!

Here is a tune inspired by Jeff telling me a story about his dad as a young boy..hope you like it

Smash up the Honkytonks

Preacher started screaming
"Destroy the Honkytonks!!"
"Those vile hang-outs of Satan
Where sinners do just what sinners want!"

"Take your bats and go
Wait until they close!
Break down their evil doors
Destroy it all,
so they won't pour, the devil's brew here anymore!!!!"

Daddy, where we goin?
Is Marvin coming too?
How come you got them bats in your hand daddy?,
what we gonna do?

"Boys, we serving God tonight,
Doing what He says is right,
He's called us to this battle boys,
against the devil we will fight!!"

We were smashing up the Honkytonks!
Doing it for God!
We were smashing up the Honkytonks
Doing it for God!

The smell of Bourbon, Gin and Rum,
The sound of bottles smashed and flung
Me and Marvin watched it all,
As daddy did what he was do.

"Take your bats and go
Wait until they close!
Break down their evil doors
Destroy it all so they won't pour,
the devils's brew there anymore!!!!"

We were smashing up the Honkytonks!
Doing it for God!
We were smashing up the Honkytonks
Doing it for God!

Lyrics W. Keith Moore, Music Jeff Gordon

Crow Community (with Painting by Bob Orsillo)

When I walk outside at dawn in Oxford, there are crows.
Not a few, but an entire community..
They live where we live.
Once I counted 57 before they flew and changed trees.
The sound is a cacophony, a symphony warming up..
Conversations show personality and emotion.
Some caw slowly and then listen..I call them the Listeners.
Some caw like my aunts speak to each other at a family reunion,
with rapid staccato words and tones of complaint and laughter.
I call them the Gossips.
Their jet black color fills the stark bare gray trees of winter...
it is beautiful.
I have joined the conversation a few times..
Some are humored by my attempt to caw like they do.
One flew toward me, coming very close.
We made eye contact..
I think he was more than curious.
His single caw as he passed sounded friendly.
I calmly lifted my left hand and waved with two fingers.
"Peace" i said.


Crow Community

When I walk outside at dawn in Oxford, there are crows.
Not a few, but an entire community..
They live where we live.
Once I counted 57 before they flew and changed trees.
The sound is a cacophony, a symphony warming up..
Conversations show personality and emotion.
Some caw slowly and then listen..I call them the Listeners.
Some caw like my aunts speak to each other at a family reunion,
with rapid staccato words and tones of complaint and laughter.
I call them the Gossips.
Their jet black color fills the stark bare gray trees of winter...
it is beautiful.
I have joined the conversation a few times..
Some are humored by my attempt to caw like they do.
One flew toward me, coming very close.
We made eye contact..
I think he was more than curious.
His single caw as he passed sounded friendly.
I calmly lifted my left hand and waved with two fingers.
"Peace" i said.
