Friday, November 25, 2011


cars driven by people sound fenetic on the dark dewy farm road
a dog barks his voice carries well on the leafless hillside over there
we almost hit a large Buck "Spike" last night on hwy 7 so beautiful leaping across the highway
the birthday cake in the back seat fell onto the floorbaord but was fine somehow in its container
just before dawn i walked out by the tree line near the house to the dry creek bed
at some point long ago water filled this and i wonder why it is never with water now
cats are mysterious as one of ours lies on her side waiting for me to rub her spine with my boot
she answers me with each stroke as i say her name "Maggie"..."Meow" never fails
the shotgun in the closet hasn't been fired in years and needs to be cleaned a "Sweet Sixteen"
passed on to my son by my father who kept his guns very clean and taught me to respect a gun
oxford ms

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