Friday, February 5, 2010

every bit of it

i drive an old 4-wheel drive Toyota pick up
it has 169,000 miles on it
mine has never accelerated on its own
nor stopped on its own
so far
the 10 baptist missionaries could go to prison in Haiti
they seem to have gone there to help children
to help children who were suffering
it looks like they should have gone about it with a bit more wisdom and planning,
but now, they are facing prison, in Haiti?
i hope our leader will investigate and speak up for these folks if they are truly innocent of foul play..
"corpsman" is pronounced thus, sounds like coreman...
the economy seems to be more ill today than yesterday
the rain continues falling here
did something to my back yesterday
up all night
still pretty dang painful
offer it up!
"I done got old, can't do the things i used to do, cause i'm an old man..."--Junior Kimbrough, (north Mississippi blues man)
(watch Buddy Guy sing this song
found out yesterday a guy i had met a few times in Nashville died of a heart attack three days ago
walking in a park
a fairly young guy
"it's a crazy deal"-- Buzz Stone
everything is grace
every bit of it..

wkm ( fellow Wayfarer)

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