Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Jesus Prayer Again

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.--The Jesus Prayer

There are times in our lives when we just can't seem to pray. We try to open our mouths, but nothing comes out. Willie Nelson sings about it, " I've been too sick to pray Lord." Our minds become weighed down by the burdens of life, and in our pride, fear, anger, depression, laziness, etc..whatever it is, we simply can't talk to God. As I have mentioned before, I came across the book, "The Way of A Pilgrim" many years ago. I think this book saved my life. This book gave me the "Jesus Prayer", and there have been many times when this prayer alone got me through. When the devil brings those despairing thoughts, replace those thoughts with this prayer. When illness or pain fills your mind with "what if?", replace those fears with this prayer. When you are angry at God for being so hard to understand, fill your mind with this prayer. This prayer is always the truth, at it will always open the door for more dialogue with God.


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