Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A little Queasy..

Those in true union with God are always peaceful and calm, and nothing can scandalize them because they have done away with what causes them to take scandal, their self-will. They trample underfoot all the persecutions that the world and the devil can hound them with. They can stand in the waters of great troubles and temptations, but it cannot hurt them...They find joy in everything.

St Catherine of Sienna
When I read this from St. Catherine I felt a little queasy. I almost didn't use her fine words because they seem so beyond me. But the more I meditated on them, the more I felt the need to do so. This is what I want! This is what I want for you! Is this possible on this good earth we travel and travail? I do not know how to get there, but God helped her get there. This brings hope. Maybe we can do this, think this, be this. Somehow, this can be ours because of the cross. Before Jesus and His cross, suffering and trouble was just suffering and trouble. But His choice to suffer made suffering in all of its forms something more. He redeemed pain and struggle. Through these things now, we learn obedience, trust, and a love for God that is far from mercenary. Mercenary love is all about what God can do for me. The love that sets us free to truly love God and others is beyond mercenary. It is the love Jesus showed us on the cross and continues to lavish on us in the Eucharist. He never stops giving to us. I wish I could bow before Him right now and wash His feet with my tears. But I am not worthy to do this, and my eyes are dry.

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