Sunday, March 14, 2010

we shall see

the music playing in this Starbucks is soothing
Renee and Jack just left for Oxford
I am now truly alone in Nashville
God is mysterious
and He never makes a mistake
His love is the reason we can go on adventures
the reason we can hope in our decisions
doors fling open and as the priest at the Vigil Mass said last night,
"The Lord is always doing things in our lives,
and very often we do not give Him the credit,
we look for other reasons and explanations."
He then said,
"We do not believe because we see,
we see because we believe."
for some reason, just now,
my dad comes to mind
he died a few years ago and i often think of him
he was a character,
a quiet man, but with a dry blue-collar sense of humor
he loved Nashville and country music..
I start my new job here in Music City tomorrow,
i believe the Lord is behind these things,
we shall see...


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