Thursday, July 21, 2011


When the path is clear..
when it seems clear,
we fear nothing!
We know the monsters are waiting,
but we don't care when we walk with clarity..
Monsters of sickness, physical or mental,
Monsters of sadness, confusion, disappointment, doubt..
they can jump out from behind the beautiful trees of our clear path,
and we just keep on moving..
but when the clarity becomes a mist that cloaks our faith and reason,
when it becomes murky with a mental hard rain,
the monsters frighten us.
The path becomes a gauntlet..
the path becomes a swamp..
the path disappears.
The sun is hidden behind dark clouds of thoughts gone awry..
the monsters visit us in our beds making our minds race with anxiety..
Sometimes the anxiety is crippling..
and crying out to God feels futile..
 seems ambiguous..


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