Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Jesus Prayer

How do you feel this morning? Tired? Worried? Hopeful? Confident? Angry? Confused? All of these emotions come and go without fail. I do not trust my emotions, either sorrowful or certain. They change with the winds of the moment. We can experience all of these by lunch and there is one thing we can do in the face of these feelings, pray. Paul said to pray without ceasing. Years ago I asked God how to do this, He brought me to a book called, "The Way of a Pilgrim". The 19th century author is unknown, but he was seeking the same thing, how to pray without ceasing. The prayer he came upon that changed his life, and mine, is called the "Jesus Prayer". "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner." At first I thought, this is vein repetition, but then as I journeyed with this man and learned this prayer, I realized it was not vein. The prayer has been a great help for me over the past 15 years. I pass this prayer on as a sure help in the tumult that is our emotions.

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