Monday, September 29, 2008


For me, Life is Christ.---St. Paul
What is life for us? Until we answer this with brutal honesty, we may never advance on the narrow road. Is life our career, our family, our gifts, our religion, our education, our car, our opinion, our ideas, our dreams, our penance, our prayers, our faith, our money, our lack of money, etc...? Paul said he counted ALL things as dung compared to knowing Jesus. He had just named all of the things that he could hang his hat on if he wanted to. He had named his standing, his religion, his heritage, his knowledge, all good things. He called them dung compared to knowing Jesus. Jesus said that eternal life is to know the Father, and the One the Father has sent, Jesus Christ. This is life, and as long as we wake up in the morning this side of eternity, we are given the chance to know this life. It is a challenge. It is a struggle. Some days it is exciting. Some days it is boring. Some days we walk in confusion and doubt. Some days we walk in confidence and faith. But like Paul, may we desire to walk with Jesus, and have Paul's perspective on everything else in our lives.
Lord, give us grace to do this.

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