Thursday, October 9, 2008

Faith, not by Sight

We live by faith and not by sight--St. Paul
"If I am asked how the bread is changed into the Body of Christ, I answer, the Holy Ghost overshadows the priest and operates in the same manner in the elements which He effected in the womb of the Virgin Mary."----St. John of Damascus
We have great and wonderful mysteries given to us by The Father that invigorate us in our journey. We have Jesus the Bread of Life as our food! We have the prayers of the Saints. Pray that your soul will hunger more and more for all of His gifts, so that you may know Him deeply. Wake up each day and make the sign of the cross before your feet hit the floor, give this day to your Beloved Lord. And if you do not feel like doing these things, do them anyway. Ask God to give you the strength to walk by faith, not by sight. The devil hopes you won't.

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