Tuesday, January 19, 2010

In California

a cold rain fell most of th day yesterday
in California
i wasn't expecting storms here
it reminded me of home
i miss Mississippi
my lovely Renee
my son Wes
my dog Jack....
i drove down into the Valley to visit a bookstore
i had to cross the street while it was pouring down
this rain came in from the ocean two days ago
i was walking in the desert when it began
i had just finished playing a show at the retreat center
one of the nuns of the Carmelite order told me to walk out into the desert and listen to the silence
it could easily become my new Querencia
the rain began as a light drizzle in the Mohave
but a day later back in the Valley it was a monsoon
there were whitewater rapids on Ventura Blvd
i think i could have kayaked it
this guy was standing next to me on the curb
we kind of grimaced to one another when the light gave us permission to cross
we stepped into the torrent at the same time
freezing ice cold water filled my right boot
in California

Sherman Oaks, in the Valley

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