Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I am scared.
I wish it was me,
not Anne.
The MRI took a long time.
I hate the sound it makes..
sounds like somebody hitting a metal pipe with a hammer..
while you are laying inside the metal pipe..
I hate hospitals..
the smell is not natural..
nothing like it anywhere else.
I have been praying the Rosary all day..
mostly the Sorrowful mysteries,
and I have been offering up this anxiety for Anne and other sick folk in this place..
it's a Catholic thing..
anxiety, pain and suffering isn't wasted..
I can always learn something about life that God hadn't taught me yet,
sometimes it's the only thing that gets our attention.
just like with the horses and teaching them,
you come across obstacles in the forest,
you make use of it..
nothing is wasted.
At least this is what I keep telling myself..
it's what I keep trying to focus on.
Seth just got here,
I told Isabelle not to come till Friday,
not to miss classes..
I told her this is just testing,
we really don't know anything yet.
It could be nothing..
But Lord I'm scared.


The Horses

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