Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Wolves are never far from the Door..

How do we begin to embrace suffering and disappointment? Lately I have been around many people in various conditions. We all have. One man I know fairly well is close to death from cancer. A woman who is a friend of my wife has lost her job because of chronic illness and is now facing bankruptcy and a very unsure future on disability. And then there are the more common everyday problems, arthritis, back ailments, sinus infections from hell, headaches, etc..So much pain in so many facets, and that is without mentioning stress, anxiety, and mental disorders. The wolves are never far from the door. So how do we make it through this valley of tears? Thanks be to God for the Communion of Saints! Hebrews chapter 12 says that we are surrounded by a "great cloud of witnesses" that cheer us on. These people are the Church Triumphant who are with the Lord! From Abraham, to St. Maximilian Kolbe who gave his life for a fellow prisoner in Auschwitz, we have great encouragement from on High if we would but embrace their examples, and hope in their prayers. And when you read about the Saints you will not find one that did not suffer in some fashion. From torture to tuberculosis, to ringing in the ears, headaches, cancer, depression, and the list goes on. I often find myself asking friends in the Lord who are still on this earth, and especially the Saints who have left this earth, to pray for me and for those I love. What great comfort to know they are cheering for us and that they care. The other great example of what to do with our pain is given by Jesus Himself. The book of Hebrews says we have a High Priest who suffered in every way we do and can therefore relate to our suffering. He offered His pain and suffering up to the Father for our souls. We can do the same! We can offer up our conditions for those around us just like our Lord showed us, for we are to be like Him in all things. Glory to His name!

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