Sunday, December 21, 2008

Behold the Man

I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.--Jesus
He is the Prince of Peace. He said to the disciples, "Peace I give to you, not as the world gives do I give...." The peace of this world is a great spiritual enemy to us. To be lulled into complacency is the land mine we must watch for on our narrow road. When we lie asleep in the light we do not dream for God. In this false peace, we dream for ourselves, and these dreams are nightmares in disguise. Dreams that are not for God are nightmares. The peace of Jesus is hidden somewhere deep. It comes through trial, and suffering, and then it sticks with us through trial and suffering. Those who are resting in His peace know how to endure. Jesus brings a sword to our world. He cuts away our ego and bent toward sin. He does this with His cross, and with the crosses He gives us. We cannot for a moment stop meditating on the Passion of our Lord. We must not think for an instant that we understand His birth to the Virgin, His life among men, or His suffering, death and resurrection. This is one reason why the Rosary is such a wonderful gift to us. It is the greatest weapon in our battle, for when we pray the Rosary, we are contemplating the life of Jesus. This is when His peace has a chance to break through and become our peace.

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