Friday, December 19, 2008

Reason and Faith

This is the irrational season
When love blooms bright and wild
For if Mary had been filled with reason.
There'd have been no room for the Child.

Madeline L'Engel
My friend from Vancouver sent this quote to me yesterday.  This reminds me what Christmas really is. His love for us is beyond anything we understand or ever will understand. Mary became a participant of that love by faith. She reasoned to Gabriel for a moment when she expressed her commitment to virginity by saying, "how can this be?" Gabriel's answer was not a very reasonable answer, "The Holy Spirit will overshadow you.." Her response was, 'Fiat, or, "Let it be done unto me.."  This is when, "Love bloomed bright and wild."  God made us with the ability to reason, but then He gives us faith as a gift. They must walk hand in hand, but then comes those times when faith is all we have. Faith is all that gets us through the impossible, like it did Mother Mary. Reason is a good thing, it is a part of everything, but faith is the garden where "love blooms bright and wild."
The Annunciation by Henry Tanner

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