Monday, April 26, 2010

Chief Pontiac

the Detroit river connects Lake Huron to Lake Erie
it is 32 miles long
straight as an arrow...
it is 41 degrees here this morning
there is a mist of sleet mixed with rain coming off the river
the wind blows here
it gusts
i am intrigued by these places
Many of the names come from Native American personalities
i.e. Chief Pontiac...
i wonder why the founders of these cities did this,
named everything pretty much after the Native peoples,
was it from honor, guilt, or something else?
"Detroit" means straight..
named by Frenchman  Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac,
this country we live in is fascinating
and it is more than what is happening to it today..
one thing i notice in all of these places i go,
the beautiful Cathedrals..
and everyone of them have a candle burning..
and this candle is in a red glass,
giving off a warm scarlet glow of assurance,
"I am with you always, even to the end...."
Detroit MI

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