When we are whom we are called to be, we will set the world ablaze.--St. Catherine of Sienna
St. Paul says we are new creatures in Christ Jesus. We are driven by love! Our faith and hope are in the love of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We are a new creation now, moving and being within the eternal perfect love of the the Trinity. This all sounds well and good, but why are we not setting the world ablaze? Why are we ripped apart by disagreements and individual declarations of the truth? St. Catherine knew why, she knew it was because we do not embrace the call! We think too often that being a Christian is some kind of osmosis. We think that saying it and believing it is enough. James says that even the demons believe and they shudder! In order to set the world ablaze we must pray without ceasing, press in and press on to the call in Christ Jesus! This is not a bystander religion, this is a Liturgy! This is a ritual! This is a daily taking up the cross and following after Jesus. Do we really want this safe little world of ours to be ablaze? It will mean humbling ourselves, it will mean seeking harder than ever, it will mean trusting Jesus when everything seems lost, it will mean loving our enemies, it will mean being whom we are called to be.

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