Soul of a nation is under the knife, death is standing in the doorway of life, in the next room a man is fighting with his wife over dignity.--Bob Dylan (from his Tell Tale Signs version of the song "Dignity".)
How is it that we are made in the image of God? Life is from God, and our lives are given so that we may in turn give them back to Him. When I heard these words from Dylan I knew he was talking about abortion, "The soul of a nation is under the knife, death is standing in the doorway of life..." We must pray with sincerity this morning for all people who believe that life begins at conception, and the scientist who now know that it does, to raise one voice for abortion to become uncool. Our society is driven by what is in style and what isn't. Let's pray that killing babies goes out of fashion quickly. Let's even hope that it becomes financially rewarding to stand up for life. If people saw a way to make money saving the unborn, the tide would turn....What is so amazing about the absurdity of these ideas is that they are true! If somehow babies in the womb could become as important as baby seals... God have mercy on us!!! We must pray with great fervor that Barack Obama and his people will have an awakening to the Truth. Nothing is impossible with God. Jesus said He came that we may have life, and have it to the full, so many never get this chance. If anything should bring all believers together it is this, there is nothing more basic or elemental as the gift of life.
"Man's likeness to God, if preserved, imparts high dignity."--St. Columban (7th century)
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