"Always humble yourself lovingly before God and man, because God speaks to those who are truly humble of heart, and enriches them with His gifts." Padre Pio
Someone asked St. Jerome which are the three most important virtues, he replied, "humility, humility, and humility." Humility is not thinking or saying, 'i am a worm, a wretch, a horrible sinner, etc..' of course these things are true, but humility is more, it is acknowledging these things while staring at the crucifix and whispering with joy, "I am loved, everything is grace." It is proclaiming to your own soul, 'apart from Him i can do nothing, with Him i can do all things!' Mother Teresa was humble, but she was not a wallflower. Padre Pio was humble but he was also confident in his and every ones need for holiness in all things. It's an honest virtue, because as soon as one thinks, ' i am humble', they are no longer humble. Humility dissolves like sugar poured into hot coffee when one becomes proud of ones humility. Humility sneaks into our lives as we focus our eyes on Jesus and others as more important than ourselves. It thrives when we are living the Theo-Drama instead of the ego-drama.
by Blake Hill
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