Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Good Shepherd

The Lord knows how to rescue devout men from trial...--St. Peter (in his second letter, chapter 2:9)
This is very encouraging, but also very demanding. "Am I devout?", should be the question that comes to our minds when we read this verse. This verse of course is taken out of a very important context. St. Peter was warning the church against men who act like beast, who say anything to make a buck, and who act as if they are sheep when really they are wolves. We need to make sure that we are sheep. Sheep focus on things like knowing where the shepherd is at all times. They must not wander off from the herd. They learn to know the voice of the shepherd and will not follow any other voice. Here is a great beginning to being devout. We must not wander from Jesus.  We must learn His voice so as not to be misled. We must pray at all times and earnestly desire His nearness for our protection and comfort. But without the staff, the lamb would never learn to be a wise sheep. These are the beginnings and foundations of a devout life. Then we must cry out, MERCY! We must press in to our Lord, learn to hate our sin, and seek Him first every moment of every day. And when we fail, we must rely on His staff to guide us back to the fold.

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