"The life of a Christian is nothing but a perpetual struggle against self; there is no flowering of the soul to the beauty of its perfection except at the price of pain." --St. Padre Pio
What is so great about struggle? Why did Jesus have to suffer? What is the big deal about the gap between getting what we want and what we need? The answer is this, the Beatific Vision. This is what every human being, whether they know it or not, is made for. We are made to see God! In other words, we are made for union with Him alone. What does the scripture say? , "When we see Him we shall be like Him." But we cannot look upon Him until we are full of Him alone. There is a purging that has to take place, an emptying, and if you doubt this, look at the cross. St. Paul said that Jesus "emptied Himself." Even Jesus learned obedience from what He suffered the scripture tells us. One Saint said this, "The greatest gift we are given is our crosses." What the heck was he talking about?! Suffering awakens and challenges our falleness. C.S. Lewis said, "Suffering is God's megaphone..." We need awakening often from our lukewarm tendencies, especially us Americans. We don't want to end up vomit, do we? ( He will spew the lukewarm from His mouth, Revelation 3) This is serious stuff. God is not kidding about how much He loves us and requires our everything, soul and body. He is a jealous God. He is jealous for our eternal happiness in the presence of the Trinity. So, let us humbly admit that we have failed once again and fly unto our Mother Mary, asking her prayers for our wayward souls. She will take us, as she does better than anyone, to her Son Jesus, our Lord. We need all the help we can get! Jesus said, "In this world you will have trouble...". Let us turn to our Beloved Jesus in this moment and be brutally honest about everything. He is always there for us. Life is a mystery of faith, do not assume anything.

I have had long struggles with this.
I have faith in P.Pio's living example - it is easier to listen to him than to try and make out what really happened 2000 years ago.
Also, we are told that P Pio was one of the happiest people on earth, despite all his sufferings.
Yes, I can almost understand that once you embrace suffering for the purpose of purification and sacrifice for the communion of saints it becomes a joyful burden.
How does one do that? After some short time I cry out for relief as the burden is so heavy.
And where is the Joy? What could mankind possibly have done that was so bad we are exiled in a vale of sorrows and have to suffer our way out of it? It also argues for reincarnation, otherwise why are we suffering for long past original sin and an accumulation of other sins?
Thank you so much for your candid and honest question. I will pray for you in this cross you carry. I do not pretend to understand what it is you feel or are going through. I know that in my sufferings there have been times when I wonder these same things you have asked. Padre Pio helps me with these questions, not with giving me answers, but with encouragement. He often tells me to continue gazing at the crucifix when I am perplexed by the vale of sorrows. Mary often comes to us in the suffering and reminds us to offer these things up for those around us. Jesus embraces our pain with His nail scarred hands, sometimes this helps, sometimes it doesn't, but knowing He knows can be liberating. I would encourage you to go on line and buy a book by Peter Kreeft called "Making Sense out of suffering" It is incredible! Please get it if you can. May Mary wrap you in her mantle tonight and may you know that your suffering is not only for your soul, but for many others in this journey home. Peace be with you. wkm
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