"Teach everyone the spirit of St. Francis which is the spirit of Jesus Christ." - St. Pio of Pietrelcina
Do not try this alone. Jesus did not send the 70 disciples out alone, He sent them out in pairs. We will experience enough isolation without even trying. We have our soul's pain, doubt, disappointment, failures, and fears within the loneliness of our own skin, so we must have those we can share this journey with, those who share in the Body and Blood of our Lord with us are our fellow travelers. This is why the Church must be our home base in all of our seeking. We need a confessor, a spiritual guide, the Sacraments, the Holy Mass! Jesus gave us all of these things because He knows our hearts and the temptations we face, do not forget Gethsemane. He did not leave us as orphans. We are now a part of the Eternal family. God is our Father, Jesus our Elder Brother, Blessed Mary is our mother, the Holy Spirit our Helper, the Saints in heaven our brothers and sisters urging us on, and the Church our tent on earth, Heaven is our true home. Think of it, we are fighting not against flesh and blood, we are fighting against the unseen, and therefore we live by faith in the unseen work of God our Father through His Sacraments given to us through His Son, and administered by His Holy Spirit. Do not try this alone, it won't work.

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