Sunday, November 16, 2008

His Rest is Enough

Our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee.---St. Augustine

We live these mysterious and weary lives as best we can. "We struggle and we scrape", sings Bob Dylan in his song 'Mississippi'. Within the cold rainy days, our souls stand naked without shelter, and still we know beyond explanation that God has placed eternity in our anxious hearts. We may be successful, have many things, or, we may be very frustrated as we live paycheck to paycheck; whatever the case, our hearts are restless until they rest in God. Don't even try to fight this truth, you will not win. Close your eyes, ask Mary to pray for you. Ask Augustine to pray for you. Ask Padre Pio the same. Ask any of the Saints who learned this while they walked through this valley of tears, and who now find themselves in the presence of perfect love and rest. The writer of Hebrews says very clearly that they are now cheering us on from the portals of Heaven. Then turn the eyes of your shivering damp soul to your Beloved Jesus. Give Him a big smile of hope and gratitude in spite of any confusion or frustration you may have. Say these incredible words, "Jesus, i trust in You." He will bring you close to the eternal fire of His Divine Mercy. He is Lord forever, and He wants to give you His rest. His rest will be enough. 

Lansford PA

St. Augustine

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