It is a journey totally sustained by grace, which nonetheless demands an intense spiritual commitement and is no stranger to painful purifications (the "dark night"). But it leads, in various possible ways, to the ineffable joy experienced by the mystics as "nuptial union."---Pope John Paul 2, from his apostolic letter, Novo Millennio Inuente
St. John of the Cross must have inspired our late Holy Father in these words of encouragement. St. John of the Cross wrote many poems about this "nuptial union", or marriage, and how it is attainable in this life. Do not let these words scare you. These words are taken from the Old Testament understanding of the intimate life one could experience with God because of the Bridegroom ( Messiah) coming to call His bride. Read the Song Of Solomon or Isaiah 61. The Church is the bride, and Jesus is the Groom. We are given the call to trim our lamps and keep them burning until the Bridegroom comes. Remember the parable Jesus told about the virgins who had brought extra oil so they would be ready? Well, this extra oil is the vibrant, eager, relentless and deep longing for Jesus in every part of our lives. By God's gift of grace, we can find this oil of desire in scripture, His Sacraments, Holy Mass, the prayers and examples of the Saints, and most especially through our Mother Mary' prayers and example of always saying yes to her Son; and in this, we can have the "intense spiritual commitment" that Pope John Paul 2 wrote about. In this journey we will experience trial and suffering, Jesus said so, but with His divine mercy we can hold on ,and inch by inch, most times on our knees, be like those waiting virgins madly in love with the Groom before He ever opens the door and lets us in. Come Lord Jesus!
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