"Do not weep, for I shall be more useful to you after my death and I shall keep you then more effectively than during my life."
— Saint Dominic's last words to his brothers
— Saint Dominic's last words to his brothers
There is a great treasure that many Christians never look for. It is a great help that comes from God alone, but it reaches us through the prayers of the Saints. We on earth are the Church militant, those in Heaven are the Church triumphant. There is much to gain from our family in heaven. If I ask you, my earthly brother or sister, to pray for me, why should I not ask a heavenly brother or sister the same? They are more alive than we are being in the unveiled presence of the Trinity! The writer of Hebrews paints an amazing picture of them cheering for us as they watch our progress from heaven. We have Jesus with us in the Eucharist, and we have our brothers and sisters urging us on. They have no tears, for they have experienced the Beatific Vision. Even as I write this, they are gazing upon the face of God!!!!! This should light a fire within our souls for holiness and living our lives in abandon for Jesus! This should cause us to tremble and to humble ourselves, asking for their prayers often. Why not call upon those alive in Christ to remember us as we fight the good fight?! This is a great treasure of grace for us. We are family in Christ. We can do nothing alone.
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