It is possible to offer frequent and fervent prayer even at the market place or strolling alone. It is possible also in your place of business, while buying or selling, even while cooking.---St. John Chrysostom
St. Paul said, "pray without ceasing." Prayer is based in faith and trust. But sometimes we pray when we feel no faith or trust. Sometimes we pray while beset with doubt and fear. We feel as if our prayers are bouncing off the ceiling and landing like feathers around us on the floor. These are the greatest moments in our journey! When we pray in spite of how we feel, by grace, we are willing these prayers to our Beloved. This is when true love for Jesus grows, and this is when we best obey the scripture to pray without ceasing. Much of our lives are lived in these rooms with the hard ceilings of doubt and fear. Jesus knows about these rooms, and He knows that our hearts and minds are always tempted to turn from His Divine Mercy. Cry out and be honest with the Lord, He can take it! There is nothing He cannot get us through, and in the "going through", we must call out to Him. He knows our weakness well, and His love for us never changes. He will not betray us.
St. John Chrysostom ( 4th century)
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