Suffering is like a kiss that Jesus hanging from the cross bestows on persons whom He loves in a special way. Because of this love He wants to associate them in the work of the redemption.--St. Bonaventure ( 13th century )
Why does God allow His dear ones to suffer so much? One cannot read the scripture or the lives of the Saints and not see this is so. What is it about suffering, whether it be physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual? Jesus did say that in this life we will have much trouble, and then He said, "Take heart, I have overcome the world!" We must see that our will is involved in His word "take". It is by grace we are saved, Paul makes clear, but we must work out our salvation with fear and trembling, Paul says this to the Philippians. We cannot save ourselves, but He gives us the great responsibility and honor of working with His work within us. This is where suffering comes in so often. In these wills of ours lies the battle for our souls. God allows suffering to teach us obedience, redeem us, and ultimately to set us free from self. When this happens, we experience detachment, and a joy so deep that words cannot explain it. The things of this world and there enticement to be our idols fade. We learn to offer up our suffering for those we love and suffering in whatever form becomes useful and a great help to help keep our eyes on Jesus an dour hearts hungry for the things of Father. Where did this teaching come from? The cross of Jesus. Our Beloved carried His cross and now He helps us with ours. By grace, we will accept His kiss from the cross and set our wills to follow Him to Jerusalem, where we will share in all of His glory!
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