Sunday, November 2, 2008


When it is in your power to do good, do not hold back, because alms deliver you from death.--St. Polycarp of Smyrna ( 1st Century disciple of St. John the Apostle)
Alms are the giving of money, goods, time, and self to those in need. Having a spirit of giving delivers us from death's grip of grasping. "God loves a cheerful giver." We are living in a culture of death. Abortion, stem cell research on embryos, and euthanasia prove this. A spirit of giving opposes this horror. If we are a people of life, we must give whatever it is that God wants us to give. In fact, the true Christian life is giving away everything that God gives to us as quickly as possible, especially love and forgiveness. His desire is for us to be fully alive, and this is not possible as long as we are hoarding His goodness. He wants us to take every opportunity to do good, this promotes life, and this brings health to our souls and to those around us, even to our enemies. Abortion and the culture of death must be defeated with love, speaking truth, fasting, and prayer.
Yonkers, New York

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, God loves a Cheerful Giver! For an easy way to become one, visit