Friday, December 18, 2009


if Jesus lives within someone,
if His heart beats within a heart,
if His mind thinks within a mind,
if His soul moves within a soul,
what's going on in there?
st. john of the cross wrote about this
so did st. Teresa of Avila,
Therese of Lesuix
st. Paul,
st. John wrote, "greater is He within you than he that is in the world"
but we find with all these fellow strugglers come before us,
that within our hearts, minds, and souls,
it's not always easy to know 'what is going on in there'.
i was at work last night stocking the shelves,
suddenly, without any prompting from anywhere,
Jesus said "hello".
no, it wasn't an audible voice,
there was no great vision or lightning or great decree,
just a simple thought entered my thoughts ,"hello".
i responded silently with a "thanks for reminding me Lord.",
yep, there is a lot going on in there..


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