Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Crying is Done

He walked through the house once his loving home..
the river had destroyed it completely.
Silt and dark grey globs of mud covered everything..
nothing was worth saving.
Then he walked out the back door..
The hundreds of acres recently planted were gone.
Cotton, Soybeans, all of it, not a trace of farm land..
the river had replaced it with a thin oozing swamp..
the rows filled with garbage from up river..
the man sat down on a stone wall that once enclosed his herb garden..
his head fell into his hands.
He allowed himself this one moment..
he heaved with a sense of despair and hopelessness..
He wept.
He knew it would be years before his land would yield anything..
He would have to get a job somewhere in the mean time..
maybe in Memphis selling cars...who knew?
He wiped his eyes and stood up.
"That's it." he spoke out loud..
"The crying is done..time to get on with it."


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