Sunday, March 15, 2009

Calling the Faithful..

For us to live is Christ, and to die is gain.--St. Paul

As I write this the cries of a Muslem cleric are echoing over this strangely beautiful city. He is calling the faithful to pray. He sounds like he is pleading with the world to turn to Mecca. His inflections and chant send shivers up my spine. There is a loneliness to his moan that works its way into my own prayer this morning. I sense Jesus saying, "Where are your moans for me my beloved? Why do you not cry for my nearness like this man?" We treat Jesus with such mediocrity sometimes. We take Him for granted. We like our little safe Lord, and our little safe ideas about faith. From time to time we should sound like this man who is filling my hotel room with his wailing for prayer. Our God is intimate and He desires our nearness, and never forget, He is unpredictable! If you don't think He is, then look at a crucifix. Look at His invisibility. Listen to His holy silence when we so badly want Him to say something.. Lord, help me cry to you in my heart and more often with my mouth! Teach me how to kneel.


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