Friday, March 6, 2009

Just like you and me..

And He was in the wilderness forty days, tempted by Satan; and He was with wild beasts...St. Mark 1:12,13
Fully God, fully man. We must remind ourselves often of the "fully man" aspect of Jesus. The devil likes to tell us that Jesus had no choice in His human experience. Satan wants us to reason like this, " Well, I know He was fully man, but, He was also fully God, so He really doesn't know what it's like to feel like I feel." No devil, "fully man" does mean, exactly like us, ( apart from sin). He lived our fears. He lived our weakness. He lived our doubts. He felt everything we do, as a human being. He struggled against temptation. This fully God, fully man, is our Beloved savior. This is mystery we will never really grasp, but we can know that He is merciful as we stumble and fall often in our yearning to be near Him and to love Him. What great hope we have!

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